By S.A. Blodgett
A Fantasy Short Story
An aging jailor and his ward, a mad god, play a perilous game with the fate of worlds riding on the winner.
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By S.A. Blodgett
A Fantasy Short Story
An aging jailor and his ward, a mad god, play a perilous game with the fate of worlds riding on the winner.
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S.A. Blodgett
S.A. Blodgett entered the world in the scruffy city of Knoxville, Tennessee and has spent most of his life ever since wondering why. He wishes he could become a professional fantasy tavern bar crawler but settled for writing fantasy instead.
When not engaged in the act of exchanging time for money, you might find him playing D&D, inventing card games with his family, or weaponizing his enthusiasm for popcorn.
When I die, I want my left leg set into orbit. That way, if there is ever an alien invasion, I have the opportunity to kick their ass from the grave.